Frequently asked questions

Useful infos before visiting the Park.

  • Do I have to book?
  • What is the right age in order to access the park?
  • What is the best time to come on weekends?
  • Can I enter the park without using the paths?
  • What type of clothing do I need?
  • What happens with bad weather?
  • Do minors need to be accompanied?
  • How long do the paths last on average?
  • Can I bring my dog to the park?
  • What does the ticket include?
  • Can I bring my own equipment (harness, helmet, gloves)?
  • Is the adventure park for everyone, even those with no experience?
  • Can I follow whoever is doing a path?
  • Are there refreshments at the park?
  • At what time do the Briefings end?
  • Can I book for groups?