
Test yourself, get out of the box and have fun: a day at Jungle Raider Park is an opportunity to try different out of the ordinary experiences. Try out the activities offered by the Albavilla Park, as a way to continue the adventure, or to challenge your friends and experience unforgettable moments.
All available activities are different and suitable for all, just choose whether to start with archery, or with an epic Soft Air and Archery Combat battle.

The Parks Paths

Available at Margno, Civenna and Albavilla

The park is made up of five paths with different difficulty levels (Civenna has 5, Margno has 4). The difficulty is based on the height of the trees and by the type of obstacles that connect one tree to the next.
After being equipped with harness and helmet, under our staff supervision, you will be brought to the Briefing area, where you will be given a demo and where you can get comfortable with our four demo walkways. Now you’re ready for some adventure! You will then perform the walkways on your own, supervised by our instructors from underneath.

Discover Civenna Paths » Discover Margno Paths »


Available at Albavilla

Experience the excitement of archery!
In the beautiful natural environment of the Jungle Raider Park, you can try the modern version of one of the oldest activities in the world, challenging yourself and your friends in an authentic 3 stations polygon, with enjoyment, satisfaction and skill!

Archers of TAS, a company specializing in the archery, will provide the protections necessary individual and identify the arch is best for you, guaranteeing high-quality equipment. Then, after a briefing demonstration, they will accompany you in your first pitches guiding you with personalized recommendations for improving technique and efficiency and become familiar with a bow and arrow. At this point you are ready to test you over longer distances!

Even boys and girls ages 8 and up can feel smart “Robin Hood” and bold “Rebel”! Under this age it is advisable to request a free trial at the Polygon.

ALL WEEKEND – Price: € 5 / person, € 3 from the second round onwards

Opening in August: open every day from Monday to Friday from 14 to 18. Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 19. Tuesday closed.

Check the calendar

Available at Civenna and Albavilla


Available at Civenna and Albavilla

This activity takes place in the summer in the torrents of Acquaduro (Introbio, Valsassina) or Bodengo (Valchiavenna). The whole activity lasts half a day (morning or afternoon). Each guide can manage groups of minimum 5 to maximum 10 people. Based on available material and space, we can handle maximum 2 groups (with two guides) for a total of 20 people. Groups will go in turns. You will be equipped with: double neoprene wetsuit, neoprene boots, helmet, harness, carabiners, ropes and descender. You must wear a bathing suit and hiking boots.

BY RESERVATION ONLY – Price : € 60 / person