School trips for Kindergarten, Primary, Middle and High School

A few steps from Milan, the largest adventure park in Lombardy: the school trips destination chosen by more than 18,000 children and over 110 schools each year. Fun is safe at the Jungle Raider Park!

Gita scolastica durante una fase di briefing al parco avventuraJungle Raider Park adventure parks offer lots of fun activities specifically for educational trips of all age groups, from primary to high schools, as well as for kindergarten children. A place to live unique experiences, in the name of emotion, dynamism and teaching, incorporated into a totally natural context and in absolute safety.

Tackling these “challenges” helps children discover and test their skills, defeat their fears, collaborate with peers and challenge their bravery.

Child and youth safety in the parks is guaranteed by experienced and qualified instructors, which assist each child or teenager during all activities, and by the protection equipment provided by the Jungle Raider Park: this consists in high slings, helmets and permanent safety devices for preventing the release of both safety clips, effectively eliminating the risks of dangerous situations. We will indicate the most suitable routes for primary or high school trips.

Our offers are valid for the Civenna, Margno and Albavilla adventure parks.

Our annual stats

  • Attendance of 18,000 between children and young people
  • 110 schools
  • 130 speakers and summer camps

Suggested trips for schools

Our school tourism activities can be divided throughout the day: in the morning, you may walk along the adventure park paths, while in the afternoon you can make fantastic trips and educational programs. All packages require at least 20 participants. They are suitable for children from 3 years up to high school children.

Jungle Raider half-day school program

  • 10.00 am: explorers welcoming. Arrival at the Jungle Raider Park and rendez-vous with the instructors for safety rules explanation.
  • Let’s test ourselves! The scholars will be able to enter all the routes they want for about 3 hours.

Jungle Raider full-day school program

  • 10.00 am: explorers welcoming. Arrival at the Jungle Raider Park and rendez-vous with the instructors for safety rules explanation.
  • 10.30 am: let’s test ourselves! Beginning of activities in the adventure park.
  • 1.00 pm: the explorer’s refreshment. Packed lunch, and some rest.
  • 2.00 pm: emotions and discoveries. Educational and fun activities to be chosen from the park’s many attractions.
  • 4.30 pm: see you soon for other adventures! Departure for return.

The Jungle Raider Park offers numerous fun and educational activities, for learning the secrets of nature, but also for helping children learning more about themselves, as well as for building their self-confidence and team spirit.

Activities to combine with adventure trails

In addition to the adventure park routes, it is possible to enhance the trip with various educational and highly instructive activities. Even without a museum, a trip can effectively be a journey of education and growth.


Available in all Parks
Orienteering, or woodland sport, consists in a predefined path characterized by checkpoints called “lanterns” (a pole with stamp), and with the exclusive help of a very detailed topographic map on reduced scale (from 1:4.000 to 1:15,000) which contains details of the path to be traveled.
The scenario will be the surrounding woods and environments. A standard route is made up by the departure and control points, indicated by circles (localized in the object to be found), joined together by imaginary lines (each athlete will decide the route by himself or in a group) and characterized by numbers indicating the travel order, and a point of arrival. This program is recommended for developing motor activities such as running, as well as group activities.


Available in Civenna
Caving is the science which studies caves and natural cavities, their genesis and their nature. Together with a guide, boys and girls will be challenged to explore a small cave adjacent to the adventure park and the Lambro springs. The cave has a unique conformation with gold colors: it is indeed an unforgettable experience. The excursion is suitable for everyone, even the youngest students; all participants will receive a helmet fitted with a torch.

Survival course for children and teenagers

Available in Civenna and Albavilla
The goal of the survival course, or Bushcraft, doesn’t only include the purpose of seeking the necessary to live, but it’s above all a philosophy for living in the open air, for rediscovering primitive but very effective survival techniques.

Surviving in a natural environment pushes the group to strengthen some specific skills, even in unusual contexts, far from everyday life, stimulating the ability to carry out a rapid analysis of a situation and the ability to quickly make the correct decision.

Moreover, it pushes you to have total confidence in your companions: in fact, everyone is given a specific task necessary for the success of the experience.

The survival course includes some special techniques, such as lighting a fire, following the tracks, learning to hunt, building a shelter, using knives and hatchets effectively, recognizing edible plants, making wooden tools, building containers with natural materials and making ropes, all in safe and risk-free situations.

Team Building

Available in Civenna and Albavilla
The course’s objectives are to promote socialization and skills development, through a fun and different day in the open air. Children and youth will be offered a series of activities which will require them to collaborate, in dealing with unknown situations, in order to resolve the difficulty by devising the most suitable solution, by implementing the trial and error method when necessary.

The activities will take place in complete safety, under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

After a short briefing, a team trial will be held consisting of about eight tests: in order to pass them, it will be necessary to use both physical and problem solving skills. All these activities will be possible for all normally healthy youth. (examples may be: lift a tire using only sticks in group, thus creating an effective leverage system).

Gold quest

Available in Civenna
The Lambro springs are located next to the park, within a wonderful natural setting. This is where its adventure begins: with specialized instructors, normal research conditions will be explained and recreated, the techniques will be illustrated and, this is not an insignificant detail, real gold flakes will be used. The youth will then have the chance to try first hand a real “gold hunt”, an almost 200 years old tradition.

Sheepdog and Herding Ducks Dog

Available in Civenna and Albavilla
Or conducting a “Flock of ducks” through the work of a dog. The dog breed that is mostly used for this type of work is the Border Collie.

The current breed was officially recognized with the name “border collie” only in 1921, and it originated on the border between Scotland and England.
Actually, livestock dogs which were morphologically very similar to the present breed were already discussed in the literature of the sixteenth century.
The intention to select working dogs for livestock stems from the growth and development of shepherding. The need for shepherds to move cattle to pasture and as a support during stable operations was steadily growing.

Therefore, the border collie proved himself a great shepherd dog thanks to its peculiar “eye”, meaning a working term for describing a dog’s great ability to focus on livestock only.
This allows the dog to move the animals “only with the strength of his gaze”, and therefore calmly and without stressing the sheep, by responding to the commands sent by the owner. The dog can work with cattle, sheep and ducks.

Our ducks are of the Indian Runner species. They are the oldest domestic ducks in the world, they don’t fly but they can run very fast, and for this reason they are indeed perfect for the Border Collie’s leading activity.

Stop! Survival market

Available in Civenna and Albavilla
After a briefing during which it will be explained how to move safely in the mountains and the main related topics, the group is divided into teams of 6/8 people.
Each team will receive a survival KIT and will start the adventure with a map torn by rain…
Several scenarios are recreated, each with a practical activity to or a problem to solve, by relying on the help of teammates and by using the few tools available.
The illusion of finally having reached a hospitable pasture turns out to be a trap, and you will find yourself spending all the STOPs you have in your pocket… but the adventure continues!
You will try to:
– move in unknown terrain;
– light a fire in any environmental condition;
– purify water;
– building an emergency shelter;
– report your position.

Educational trekking

Available in all Parks
The scholars are accompanied along a path to discover the beauty of nature and of our territory. Guided by expert staff, they will be able to walk in the woods and mountains near the Parks, discovering the wonderful landscapes and getting surprised by their majesty.
The length and intensity of the itineraries are established based on the age and needs of the small participants, on time requirements and on the Park of departure. For example, starting from Civenna you can easily reach the sources of the Lambro river, from Albavilla a path leads to the Mara hut through the Valle del Bova, while from Margno you can start a wonderful walk in Pian delle Betulle.


Available in Civenna and Albavilla
Have you ever wished to be Robin Hood? Your young archers, divided into small groups, will challenge each other to an exciting and entertaining polygon competition, with 3 positions.

The expert instructors of TAS, a company specializing in the field, will first of all help the students in wearing the appropriate protections, then guide them to discover this ancient and fascinating sport: very soon, holding the bow, aiming and shooting the arrow towards the target will become very easy! By varying the distance of the targets based on the age and skills of the participants, the activity is indeed aimed to everyone.

Soft air

Available in Civenna and Albavilla
Soft Air is an activity that is always much loved and appreciated by young people: students will be split in groups and will be able to challenge themselves in an exciting simulated battle, in the Jungle Raider Park’s woods. This is an outdoor activity which develops strategic thinking and team spirit, in an engaging way. Fun is equal to safety: the balls used in the game are BIO plastic, totally harmless and environmentally friendly.

Rifles, magazines, camouflage and protection are provided to all participants.

Treasure hunt in the woods

Available in all Parks
A map, and a hidden treasure in the woods: Which team will find it first? Divided into groups, the children must decipher the clues, solve the puzzles and understand how to move among the trees following the directions of an ancient and mysterious map.

This activity allows small participants to train their ingenuity and learn to orient themselves in nature, during a nice team challenge.

Visit to the malga with preparation of butter and cheese

Available in Margno
Children and teenagers are accompanied to the alpine hut, where they will be able to discover an ancient and typical work of our mountains. They will also be able to directly experience how fresh milk is processed, by preparing excellent butter: as for the snack, they will be able to taste first hand the results of their work, by just spreading it on deliciously soft bread.

An unusual and amusing activity, one that allows children to discover the origin of foods which are familiar to them, such as butter and cheese, as well as experimenting with the transformation of raw materials, all while having fun with a rewarding manual activity.

Prices for school trips

Prices for daily school packages start at € 13 per person, including equipment, and vary according to the number of participants.

Would you like to know more?

Contact us for any information or for studying a custom proposal! Call us at 031.963651 / 335.7956162, write to us at or fill out the form below.

Since the number of requests is always very high, we advise you to book your school trip at the Jungle Raider Park in advance. Don’t miss the opportunity!